Sanchit’s Personal Page


Greetings to you!

Welcome to Sanchit’s Home Page


Status :

We are adolescent of innovation in Technology.

Some are born great, some achieve greatness, and some have greatness thrust upon them.
“ I am what I am, You are what You are and It is as it is.”

“Let me be born again and again, to go under thousands of suffering, so that I can only worship the only god I believe in, The sum total of Humanity.” — Swami Vivekananda

“Success is the ability to go from one failure to another with no loss of enthusiasm” — Winston Churchill


sanchit is greeting to you.
Sanchit Ghule

Sanchit Ghule

Student Representative at Accessibility Services IIT Madras


Sanchit is a student at the Indian Institute of Technology Madras. His interests include accessibility, computing, programmable paradigms, and social engineering. He leads “Accessibility Services IITM,” a group of students that provides necessary support for disabled students to overcome challenges.


  • Artificial Intelligence
  • Computational Linguistics
  • Information Retrieval


  • B.Tech in Metallurgical and Materials Engineering, 2021

    IIT Madras











Jun 2020 – Present Chennai

“a nonprofit project to cater high quality audio books.”

Responsibilities include:

  • Processing
  • Testing
  • Deploying

Student Representative

Accessibility Services IIT Madras

Jul 2020 – Nov 2020 IIT Madras, Chennai
students organisation.

Recent Posts

Spiritual Quotes:

“Our thought, good or bad, reaches others and triggers a chain reaction.
It adds to the misery or the happiness in the world.
So, let us be very, very responsible.
Let us keep all our thoughts and emotions positive and pleasant.”

“Forgiveness is the gift to be given to All.
It is not done since the heart is small.
The heart to encompass All,
Love him who Loves All.”

Compassion with every living being on this planet
You see in life, The truth is not only in good looks, but it is in pure heart and pure mind.
Emotions such as goodones, such as bad ones, can be impure or it can be whole and real. Love should never be destroying. Love and jealousy should never be together.
Real, true and all forgiving love is the truth. Love that breaks, destroys, and hurts other people it is not love, it is something else.
Sometimes everything in life can be illusion, only time will go on relentlessly. so use your time here wisely.
Be good to others, others will be good to you.

“These dark shadows that fall upon the path of my life, causing me sadness, distress and pain;
I have learned to welcome these Thro’ Thy holy grace.
They show me how I lack wisdom; How failing and faltering is my strength.
These shadows have taught me I am nothing save when I walk in Thy light.
With grateful heart I bless these ills That teach me to love Thee and Thy light.”

Our biggest weakness can be transformed into our biggest strength. You see in life, we only focuses on our weaknesses, when at the same time, we can make them our strength!
With a little bit of width courage and heart, we can turn every disadvantage into our advantage!
Your inner strength is the rock you can hold on to, When you can’t hold onto anything else. Be your own rock! Be your own strength!

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